Web Design Principles - Make your Website Shine

Web Design Principles....Courtesy of Solo Build It's Richard Batteram:

“Good design goes unnoticed...bad design, on the other hand, has the power to ruin all your efforts.”

The main message....don’t get caught up in trying to achieve the perfect design, tweaking for hours on end at the expense of producing great-quality content.

If you’re going to be successful online, you have a ton of bases to cover – design is just a small part of it. Don’t get caught up in the small stuff that may matter to you but won’t count at all to your visitors.

Some major nuts and bolts...

1. Keep your design, clean, fresh and sharp

2. Match your overall style to your target audience

3. Check your content for ‘scanability’ is it easy for your visitor to scan your page or are there visual elements of it that are jarring and distracting

4. Is your design consistent from page to page?

5. Font color - when in doubt use BLACK. Using a lot of colored fonts, especially red, screams ‘newbie’

This guide was written specifically for SiteBuildIt users, but the principles are universal